Saturday, March 5, 2016

Trakiet School Dedication

Dear Friends,
We recently attended the celebration and opening of the four new classrooms for Trakiet Primary and Middle School in rural Cambodia. As you may recall, from past posts, this school was overcrowded with many classrooms having over 60 students in them and some children being housed in a tin building and an outdoor kitchen area. K.I.D.S asked Compassionate Eye Foundation (C.E.F) to partner with us to fund this project and they generously agreed.

We arrived at the school early in the morning to find all the children, many family members, commune chiefs, school staff, monks and other government dignitaries there to open and bless the new classrooms. There was dancing, music, speeches, throwing of flower blossoms, ribbon cutting and lots of food for everyone (provided by the community).

Gratitude was extended throughout the morning to Compassionate Eye Foundation and K.I.D.S for making this hope a reality for their school. This poor rice farming community works very hard to provide for their families and even though it would be helpful to have their children stay home, to assist with the farming, they send their children to school in hopes that they will have a better future. 

Building the school brought lots of employment for local villagers. K.I.D.S always strives to hire local people and work from a community development perspective. A special thanks to Yoeun Thol (Kim) for working with us as a coordinator, volunteer and friend. Kim works tirelessly to better the community he grew up in and change the future of Cambodia through education.

Thanks to all C.E.F. and K.I.D.S. supporters for believing that together we can not only change one child's life, we can change the future of a village.

We pass on blessings and best wishes from the Cambodian people.

With appreciation,
Adrianne and Rick