We have been supporting a small school south of Siem Reap for the past two years and would like to send you an update.

Sohing is a single woman who lives on a very small income working in restaurants. She is the main breadwinner in her large family and she raises cows, pigs, chickens and frogs to sell as well as vegetables from her garden to generate income and food for her family, three of whom are deaf. On top of her busy schedule and limited income she started a small grassroots school a few years ago at her house to teach children English. Every evening about 40 kids come to learn and she struggles to pay a teacher to assist her in teaching and to feed them a nutritious meal twice a week.
In our conversations with Sohing she has told us that as a child many times all her family could afford was salt and rice for meals and attending school was very difficult. Many of the children at her school face the same issues. Sohing is determined to try to change these young students lives for the better against incredibly tough odds.
Last year we built a roof over the school, bought desks and school supplies. The other day we restocked the school supplies as well as bringing toothbrushes, toothpaste and hand soap for all of the students. K.I.D.S. will also provide a stipend for the school to try and ease the financial burden of educating and feeding these wonderful children who want so much to learn.
This year we were able to provide funds for Sohing to take all her students to Angkor Wat Temples, Cambodia's national treasure, that is only a few kilometers down the road. The children had never seen this historic site and were thrilled to be able to go on such an outing. Sohing also supports one of her sisters to go through high school and learn English so she can change her future, we are assisting to sponsor Sohing's sister to attend English class in Siem Reap.
This young woman has and continues to sacrifice greatly to help others and is an amazing example of selflessness and dedication to make the world a better place one child at a time.
Thanks to our donors who make this... The Little School That Could!
Wishing you and yours all the very best,
Adrianne and Rick