We are only hours away from boarding our first flight on our way home from Cambodia. Though our work continues year round, which we will up date you on, we will send along this last post from Cambodia for now.
K.I.D.S. has purchased over 160 bikes so far this year, with more to come. Just before we left we went out to Kauk Chrey School to distribute 40 of them to students from three schools who will soon be moving on to high school.

When we arrived at the school there were many children and family members waiting to greet us.

Though a simple one-speed bicycle might seem like a little thing it brings a lot of benefits to the children and families receiving it. Aside from getting the child to school it gives the family access to markets to buy and sell goods, travel to clinics and most importantly, as in the case with these bikes, enables a child to continue their education which would surely stop after elementary school as the children need to travel to distant high schools. During this trip K.I.D.S. has been able to bring many other benefits to children such as: education, healthcare, transportation, computers, housing, improved hygiene, family support, clean drinking water and many little things too numerous to mention.

From K.I.D.S. and from us we would like to extend our most Heartfelt Thank You to
our dedicated Cambodian partners, private donors, foundations, companies,
volunteers, board members, young fundraisers, schools and students for all of
your contributions both big and little.
We would like to close with this Tanzanian proverb.
" Little by little, a little becomes a lot. Every act counts, no matter how small"
In Honour of our Beloved Danielle
Jan 14,1979 to March 26,2000
Till next time....
Rick and Adrianne