We hope all is well with you and yours. As you know KIDS focuses on education, clean drinking water, healthcare and generally improving the lives of children who face difficult situations. One simple and fairly cheap way of improving a child and a families life is by providing them with a basic bicycle. Throughout the year we give out hundreds of bicycles to those who need one.
Many of the parents come to the school for the bike distribution. It is a happy event. A bike does not only allow children to continue their education, as most rural schools are often such long distances from students homes, it is also used for transportation for the family to go to market etc.
KIDS also assists schools and students by providing, books/school supplies, backpacks, whiteboards and uniforms.
Teachers and families appreciate this support as it improves the level of education these children receive.
Although education is incredibly important KIDS also believes that giving children and youth the opportunity to let go, have fun and broaden their borders is also important. Each year we take kids from our sponsorship programs for outings. It is wonderful to see these young people, laugh, play and see new sights. Many have never been on a bus, seen a movie, swam in a lake, been in a city or rode an escalator. We think the photos say it all!!
Until next time,
Adrianne and Rick