Hope this message finds you all well? A few days ago we went out to Wat Sela School to celebrate the completion of the second school that K.I.D.S. built this year. Wat Sela educates children from a very poor area, where many families work in the brick factories for poor wages. Wat Sela had the capacity to accommodate 550 students and had to turn away hundreds due to lack of space. Now the school can accommodate these kids and change their futures.
Thanks to our partnership with K.I.D.S. donors, Healthy Role Models, Nanaimo, The Ames Family Foundation, Vancouver and Lush Charity Pot Canada the funds donated were in place to build the school. The donations combined with the collaboration of Smart Kids program manager Mr. Sok Hak, the school principal Mr. Sokha, and Jiang (builder) Mr. Pov and his great team of 22 workers and one cement mixer the school was completed in three and a half months on time and on budget.

Thank you, as always, for making an amazing difference in the lives of so many children and families, the changes are immeasurable. We will let the children from Wat Sela take it from here.

Till Next Time,
Rick and Adrianne