Hope all is well with you and yours, as Labour Day and the end of summer draws near. We would like inform you about the start of a new sewing program for 20 more women sponsored by K.I.D.S. in the Chitwan area in southern Nepal.
But rather than talk about the details and hopeful outcomes of this current program we will defer to an excerpt from WELNepal's newsletter about the outcomes of the previous sewing class sponsored by K.I.D.S.
"And since word of mouth gets around faster than internet in the lowlands of Nepal, women are well aware that KIDS first group who trained for 10 months are now, not only saving money by making their own clothes and school uniforms for their children, but some, with an entrepreneurial spirit, are earning money. Instead of neighbouring villagers going to tailoring shops, they are using the WELNepal's graduates for their sewing needs. Some graduates have even been hired by tailoring shops."
"Twenty or more women in a group can make a lot of clothes over ten months of practice. K.I.D.S. 2018 sewing group, generously donated most of the "classroom" clothes to poor families in a struggling village far from theirs. As the photo shows, there are a lot of families who benefited from their sisters' thoughtfulness."We sincerely hope that this generosity sets a precedent for future groups"
Proof once again that your generosity which supports education and vocational training programs achieve results as a roadmap to a better life.
People have been asking about our 2019 fundraiser. For those of you in B.C., we will once again be hosting our K.I.D.S. annual Wine and Wrap fundraiser (the 11th one to be exact,) at the Vancouver Island Conference Center (VICC). We will send out another notice when we get our tickets from the printers and are ready to start booking and distributing them in a few weeks from now.
For you in B.C. - We really hope to see you at the VICC
Thank you as always to everyone for your support that creates opportunity and changes lives.
All the Best
Rick and Adrianne