Six weeks have gone by since our last Covid-19 Emergency Fund helped 81 families and students in our Smart Kids Education Sponsorship Program. Their situation remains the same: no work, not much food or funds to feed and care for their families due to lack of government support, and the closure of tourism and brick factories.
In the city, some of the people we know who used to drive tuk-tuks for tourists are now filling them with cans to recycle for money, and women have to travel long distances by bicycle to sell their cans in the towns so they can feed their babies.
This past weekend Hak, our Smart Kids Manager, Mr. Sokha the Principal of the local school and our Teacher/Program manager, Sohing, in another poor village, gave out more supplies and some financial support from K.I.D.S. We thank these amazing people for their compassion, hard work and dedication to making children and families lives better.
At the best of times, these families live on around $100.00 a month and do the best they can to feed and clothe their children, many of whom had to work in the brick factories.
K.I.D.S. has been breaking the cycle of child labour and poverty through our sponsorship program. Many young people who have gone through our program and graduated from high school have gone on to higher learning and training, and before this virus closed the world, they had good jobs and were helping their families.
Thanks to the generosity of K.I.D.S. supporters, we can assist them during these incredibly difficult times. After the families recently received our support we were flooded with appreciation from the kids in our program. We pass on their gratitude and love. Thank you for your support. Although they thank Canada we would like to extend their appreciation to all K.I.D.S. supporters around the world!
Through it all, there is resilience, love, compassion and young people's smiles to remind us that hope and kindness remain.
Wishing you and yours all the best.
Until next time,
Adrianne and Rick