Friday, September 20, 2024

Back To School

 Dear Friends,

We hope all is well with you and yours. It is fall and the kids have returned to school. A time to get back into routines. The other day we watched some students on their way to school; getting off the buses, walking to school or getting dropped off by their families. The young people were carrying their backpacks, books and some were riding bikes. It is great to see our younger generation going to receive a good education, meet friends, play and enjoy their days.

In Cambodia K.I.D.S. is dedicated to helping children, youth and young adults get an education. We support many young adults to get through highschool and then post secondary or vocational training.

In poor rural areas, where we work, it can be very difficult to go to school. Many kids live long distances from the schools and have to travel on dusty, dirt roads (that are muddy in the rainy season). Often their families do not have transportation to get their children to school, they cannot afford a backpack to carry their books or a bike to ride to school.
Thanks to K.I.D.S. donors we work with, the very poor rural schools to help the poorest kids get an education by supporting them with bikes, books, backpacks and uniforms.


Without this support they would be starting to work in farming, fishing or labouring in factories at young ages. It is heart-warming to give the kids and families a lift up to education and over the years we have been able to watch the young people go on to do well and do well for their families.

The children, families, teachers and administrators are all very grateful. On behalf of all of them we Thank You for your support and kindness and for changing and improving children and youths daily lives and their futures. 

Until next time,
Adrianne and Rick