Dear Friends
We hope all is well with you and yours. For many of us in the world bikes are more for recreation than commuting. However here in Cambodia without a bike many children lose their ability to get to school, especially when you live in the countryside, where most people live and where the distance from home to school can be up to 10 kilometres. Much too far for a child without a bike to get to school and back home in any condition to study due to rough dusty roads in the dry season and rain and mud in the wet season and back.
However, having access to a bike levels the playing field for them to access school in a timely manor on a day to day basis. The families also need bicycles to help them get to the market to get food. By providing bikes we all help break the cycle of poverty by making it easier for students and sometimes the only way possible for them to get to school.
One of K.I.D.S. goals is to help young people get to school by purchasing as many bicycles as we can each year. This year we have purchased more than 350 bikes, which adds up to a lot of kilometers daily getting kids to and from school.
We work with our K.I.D.S. program managers to purchase and deliver the bikes, which are very simple bicycles but last a long time. Needless to say the children and families are very happy to get bicycles and often two children can ride on one bike. A bike is only $50.00 and over the years K.I.D.S has been able to provide thousands of children with bikes.
The students thank us, and we THANK YOU for your support and for helping students continue their education and making their lives so much easier.
Until next time,
Adrianne and Rick