Sunday, December 14, 2014

Computer Lab

Dear Friends,

We hope all is well with you and yours and that you are getting ready to spend time with friends and family over the holiday season.

As you may recall from last year we renovated and set up a computer lab at Sasardam High School, which is the main high school serving many rural primary schools. We only had enough funds to renovate the classroom and purchase ten used computers. The class started and the kids and teachers were thrilled to have access to computers and learn the basics. As this high school has about 800 students learning computers will help them to either get into University or get a job once they graduate.

When we came back this year we went out to the school and visited the computer class. Behind each computer sat four enthusiastic students however as we all know using computers is not really a group experience, especially when learning to type! The school had also found the funds to hire a half
​​time trained IT teacher who recently graduated with his degree so this was more good news. We were pleased to tell the teacher, principal and students that thanks to donations received through KIDS we are able to now provide them with the rest of the computers, a screen, projector and increase the teacher's salary so he can work full time.

Today we loaded up a van with the 14 computers, a screen, projector, monitors and other equipment and took them out to the school. When we arrived the principal, computer teacher and several other teachers, along with some students were waiting for us. We thought that we would unload take a few photos and be on our way and they could set up the equipment the next day. The staff and students immediately set to unloading the gear and setting it up. Within an hour the 14 computers, projector and screen were hooked up and functioning and the class was full of students typing away.

Now the school has a fully functioning computer lab where every week hundreds of students will be able to take classes. Thanks to your generosity you have not only made these students extremely happy you have improved their knowledge and increased their chances for a much better future.

The students thank you very much for your support, they put their hands together in the "Sampea" which is a gesture of thanks and a greeting here in Cambodia.  The teachers also thank you for supporting them in the education of their children.

All the best,
Adrianne and Rick